By God’s Grace
Nick wrote this the day after Christmas. It hits home as we really dive into 2025 and our journey with Re:Generation, the gym, and our goals. Today has been a day…. Started out driving to my last job on my side hustle and my truck overheating. I pull over to the side of the highway […]
Dream Big. Plan Ahead. Explore New Horizons.
As we close out 2024, it’s important to look back at all we’ve accomplished. At all we’ve missed. At all we can improve on. As Nick posted a couple weeks ago, our year was insane. We had so many new things we had to navigate and figure out. We had a lot of ups and […]
Simplify Your Life
I’m not sure what happened, but here we are… it’s the week of Christmas. Already. Didn’t we just have Thanksgiving? It’s come up pretty fast this year, and for some reason, it just hasn’t felt like it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I got our Christmas cards mailed out early, we have presents and stockings […]
The Year of Doing
I took this picture the day after our Christmas party for the gym. This year has been…. Challenging, hard, hurtful at times. In reality, it’s been a year of perspective change. I miss mom terribly. It doesn’t get much easier. It gives you retrospect. You get to look back on life. Remember. Reminisce. With […]
Actions Really Do Speak Louder Than Words
Actions speak louder than words. You can say you’re going to do XYZ, but if you don’t follow through or your actions don’t align with what you say, people aren’t going to believe you. And they aren’t going to believe you the next time you say something either. Nick and I have fallen into that […]
Rest. Relax. Recharge.
All I have to say is… holy cow. How are we in December already?! Didn’t we just start November?? I swear, some months crawl by while others fly by in a heartbeat. November was definitely one of those months! We’re already through Thanksgiving and now we head into the busy holiday season. Holiday parties. Work […]
What a Year It’s Been
This past year has been a doozy. Nick and I have had to navigate so many new things, all while trying to grieve and raise our family and run a business. There have been so many hard times. But in looking back, there have also been some pretty darn beautiful times. It’s hard right now […]
I am enough.
I fail on the daily. I pray for patience and then I lose my ish. I pray for guidance and to let go and let God, but then I try to control things. I pray for peace in my heart, but I let the little things get to me. I know I’m not perfect. I […]
The Importance of Self-Care
I talk a lot about self care and making sure to take care of you before burning yourself out. But let’s be real. I talk a good game and don’t always do what I say. I am a self-proclaimed workaholic. My brain really never shuts off. Add in being a mom of 2 and a […]
Fall Spooky Classic Recap
Whew! The last three weeks have been a whirlwind! We hosted our second annual Fall Spooky Classic competition/fundraiser to help Love Remained Ministries and their Hope Project. This competition puts two of our favorite things together – CrossFit and faith, and on top of that, the ability to help and support some of our dearest […]