It’s futile to resist change
“It’s futile to resist change” Change…. A word most of us don’t like. Shoot, a lot of us HATE it. Change can be good or bad depending on your perspective, but inherently, change is inevitable. Well a lot of change has happened in the past 6 months. You’ve heard all about it from Whitney and […]
Take time to reflect
As we finish the 2024 CrossFit Open season, it’s time to reflect on your performance and to be really honest with yourself. How did you do? Did you end up where you thought? Were you disappointed in how it turned out? I’ve found, for me, in almost every single Open I’ve been in, that there […]
First Bring a Friend Week of 2024
Shout it from the rooftops! It’s Bring a Friend week! Yes, that’s right. Invite all your friends, family members, mortal enemies (just kidding, you don’t have to do that). But invite away! Any and everyone can join you all week long, for absolutely FREE! Don’t know anyone at CFC? That’s okay! Join us anyway. You […]
We were all beginners once
We all have this innate fear of starting something new. Myself included. We think it’s too hard or too scary, or we won’t be able to do or succeed at whatever it is. I know I overthink the heck out of everything. What if I can’t do it? What if I look stupid? What if […]
What a Humbling Week
There’s nothing more humbling than hitting yourself in the head with a barbell during a normal snatch workout, then doing something in another workout to make it so I could barely walk. All. Week. Long. Whew. I feel like it’s my first week of CrossFit (when I didn’t know any better and went too hard, […]
Resolute Breed
So we recently started a new program, Resolute Breed, at 330p every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, here at CFC. And lots of people have asked – what is it?! Coach Sam has provided a great explanation so keep reading to learn more. After 20+ years as a medic and the stigma of mental health in the service, […]
Challenge your limits
There are a lot of things that happen during competition. Sometimes it’s emotional. Sometimes you meet the love of your life. Sometimes you leave broken and humbled. This weekend we competed again.. one of our coaches/my friends pushed ourselves and went up a division. Actually competed RX, which means heavier weights and harder movements. Needless […]
Takeaways from the Open
Alright y’all. The Open is coming to a close. How did you do? Did you perform the way you wanted to? Did you PR your thruster or snatch? What about getting your first pull-up or ring muscle up or strict handstand push-up? I ask these questions hoping you did any or all of these things, […]
The Magic of the Open
As we close out February (which flew by way faster than January, I swear!), we are headed into Week 3 and the last week of the CrossFit Open. How have you been enjoying the workouts? Hit any PRs on your 1 rep max thruster? What about getting your first pull-up or muscle-up? There is magic […]
Challenge yourself
I was obsessed with working out as a kid. I ran track. I did step aerobics in our living room on Saturday mornings. I went to jazzercise with my mom. I played softball in high school. I don’t know what started it or what compelled me to keep moving, but I was constantly doing some […]