As we close out 2024, it’s important to look back at all we’ve accomplished. At all we’ve missed. At all we can improve on.
As Nick posted a couple weeks ago, our year was insane. We had so many new things we had to navigate and figure out. We had a lot of ups and downs this year. We had a lot of doubts.
We questioned ourselves. If what we were doing was right. Or making a difference. Or truthfully, if it even mattered.
And then we get a well timed note and gift. And surprise gifts and cards, both for us and for Gabriel. A surprise text. Or email. And tears fill my eyes as I realize we are making a difference. What we do matters.
It isn’t always easy. And I’ll be the first to admit I doubt myself something fierce. I feel everything too much. Too hard. And sometimes it’s really hard to make the tough decisions. And darn if we don’t do our best to do the next best right thing and make the next best right decision.
Sometimes we get it wrong. And sometimes we knock it out of the park. Either way, we have to keep moving forward.
I feel like that’s life though. You will always have to make some sort of decision. And sometimes they’ll be wrong, and sometimes they’ll be right. But either way, pick yourselves back up and keep going. Always keep moving forward.
I pray 2025 is a huge year for you. I pray it’s a huge year for us. I pray we make the next best decision, every time. Not only for the gym, but for us as a family. And I pray the same for you.
I pray you end 2024 and start 2025 on a high note. And just keep going!
Have a beautiful week and a Happy New Year! We’ll see you in the gym.
With love,