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Hey look, ma, we made it!

I hope y’all sang that!

We’re so excited that it’s been 4 years! Four years of owning CFC, being gym owners, making it officially ours. It’s been a lot of work, a lot of good days, a lot of bad days, and a lot of in between days. But man, we have come so far!

Nick and I were talking about it over the weekend. We definitely didn’t know what we didn’t know when we bought CFC. There was a HUGE learning curve as we were thrown into not only owning a brick and mortar business, but learning how to manage people, from coaches to members to new people coming in.

We’ve made mistakes, we’ve had challenges, we’ve made upgrades, and yes, we’re still learning! Every day is something new, but I don’t think either of us would change a thing!

Thinking back, it feels like it was just yesterday that we were coming in as coaches, then the opportunity to become the owners. For a lot of 2020, we were in negotiations, and as of September 30/October 1, 2020, it was official.

And then, SURPRISE! In December 2020, we found out we were pregnant with our miracle baby.

It was a whirlwind of excitement, nervousness, trying my hardest to not be scared, while still learning how to be a gym owner. There was SO MUCH going on in that first year.

In 2021, we made some changes within the gym, I hadn’t announced my pregnancy yet, and to say it was super stressful and emotional is an understatement.

I truly felt like we had made a huge mistake, that the gym was going to fall apart and we were going to land flat on our butts with a huge failure over our heads.

That first year was HARD. I cried, a lot. We prayed, a lot. We leaned on our mentor, a lot. We leaned on each other, a lot, a lot.

Somehow, we made it through. So many ups and downs. And then our miracle baby was born in September 2021.

Talk about a whirlwind. New business (to us), new baby, new dynamic at home. Nick still worked full time at his other job. I felt like it was a lot. Shoot, it was a lot!

And then we blinked, and here we are. Four years in. We walk into our gym and a lot of times, I still look around in awe, that it’s ours. The changes we’ve made. The updates/upgrades we’ve made. And from what we can tell, everyone has been on board and loved them!

We try our very best, every single day. We work to make the best right decision, every single day. And we’re still growing and learning, and making adjustments to make it the best gym for our members and our coaches. We WANT y’all to love CFC just as much as we do!

We’d love to hear about your favorite memory (or memories) of CFC over the last 4 years. Comment below, message us, let us know!

We love y’all. We’re so thankful for each of you, for your support and love of us and CFC! We definitely wouldn’t be here without y’all!

Have a fantastic week! And we’ll see you in the gym!


Sharing is caring!