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It’s hard for me to ask for help. Shoot, it’s hard for me to admit when I need help. 

I mean… I’m a strong, independent woman. I can do it all. I don’t need no stinkin’ help! 

Except I do. I can’t do it all. Especially on my own. And realistically, I don’t want to do it all on my own. 

But for whatever reason, in my head, asking for help equates to weakness. I can’t let anyone know I need help. That I can’t do it all by myself. That I’m not able to handle it all. 

Over the last several months, our family has taken on so many new and additional tasks. And we’ve done what has needed to be done. More and more kept getting piled on my plate and I just did the darn things. 

And instead of asking for help, I stuffed it all down and just kept going. Or worse, I complained about it. I played the “woe is me” game. 

And when it all came to a head recently, it REALLY came to a head. In a big explosion. It finally built up enough that it HAD to come out. And while the end result of it has been incredible, it definitely wasn’t the best way to get there. 

Looking back, I wish I had specifically asked for help instead of simply saying I was overwhelmed and complaining about it. Because ever since I’ve exploded and basically demanded help, things have been so much better. 

Nick has stepped up in ways I couldn’t have imagined. And he would have a long time ago had I made it very clear what I needed. 

And not only that, there are people at work who have stepped up and are helping in ways that have taken things off my plate. 

Crazy how asking for help… helps. 


So my advice to you is to ASK FOR HELP when you need it. Don’t stuff it all down. Don’t take it all on yourself. You don’t have to. Nor should you. 

Don’t let it build up to the point of exploding. It doesn’t do anything but hurt you and others around you. 

I hope this helps you know that you aren’t alone. Ask for help. It doesn’t make you weak. It actually makes you STRONG! 

Have an amazing week.


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