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I was the weird kid in elementary school who loved working out. I woke up Saturday mornings and did step aerobics in our living room (sorry mom). 

We played tag and chase and capture the flag throughout our neighborhood. I loved the presidential awards for physical activity. I loved anything and everything sports or running related. 

I ran track in middle school, and I played softball in high school. And no matter where I lived, I was a member of a gym. I’ve always loved working out, staying fit, and moving my body. I even did Jazzercise with my mom for awhile! 

So it’s no surprise that when I found CrossFit, I absolutely fell in love with it. The challenges, pushing myself to learn and conquer new things, trying things I never would have otherwise. 

Shoot, I couldn’t do pull-ups at all in my 20s in basic training. But finding CrossFit in my 30s and now into my 40s, I am now more fit and can do more with my body than I ever could before. And I’m still learning and adapting and achieving more!

But, with all that said, I know there are people who weren’t crazy like me, lol. Who didn’t spend their childhoods waking up early to workout. Personally, I think I just had a ton of extra energy I needed to burn, but that’s a whole other story. 

I’m here to tell you CrossFit is for any and everyone. For the people who grew up working out like I did, but also for the people who have never worked out. For people who played sports in high school and college but then have fallen off. For the people who have been working out all their lives, but need something different. Something challenging. Something that will change their lives. 

And for those of you that are afraid of the word CrossFit and what it stands for, there is nothing to be afraid of. In its most basic form, CrossFit is functional fitness. There are modifications for literally everything. For beginners. For pregnant mamas to be. For grandparents. For kids. Yes, for everyone. 

I challenge you to come try a class. Come see what it’s all about. Reserve your judgment before trying. I didn’t for a long time before I joined, and I regret waiting so long. 

I feel better now than I did in my 20s. I’m faster, fitter, and stronger, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. 

Are you ready to see your results? Because I’d love to be a part of your journey! 

Come see me. Let’s get you started today! 

Have a fantastic week! 


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