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God shows up. 

Every. Single. Time. 

As y’all know, the past couple weeks have been a struggle for me. And I’ll admit I was trying to control it all myself. I wasn’t leaning on God. 

I just felt… lost. Out of control. Out on a wing by myself. Like nothing was going “right,” whatever that means. 

And then God. 

Two things happened that made me remember who was in control. Who had it all figured out, without any input from me. Who, despite my shortcomings and missteps, was always there for me. Who had never left me alone. Ever. 

A close friend invited Nick and I to be a part of a pilot training group for their ministry. To be trained, have community, then launch and lead this program with them. 

Y’all. My immediate reaction was fear. I felt like I was so lost and out of control. How could I possibly lead anyone else? How could I show up for others when I didn’t feel like I was showing up for myself? Or for God? 

And in speaking with my friend, I realized this is exactly what I’d been praying for. I’d been praying for guidance. To lead me where I needed to be. And to have the wisdom to see it. 

And while I didn’t immediately see that, it brought me to tears listening to WHY our friend asked us to be a part of this. And it still scares me. But it also has brought a peace into my heart that I haven’t felt in awhile. 

And the second thing was the same family invited us to their family’s baptism Sunday evening. I can’t even tell you how much I needed that invite. To go to that service. And to be reminded of who has control. 

Because it certainly isn’t me! 

I pray that I continue to put God first. In the good times but especially in the bad times. Because He has a way better plan than I do. 

And I pray that you do too. 

I love y’all. And I’m thankful for each of you. 

Have a beautiful week. 


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