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I sat in the crowd two weekends ago watching one of my best friends dedicate his life to Christ. He got baptized in front of hundreds of people, proclaiming that Christ is king to the world. 

Watching this made me think… What would happen if you “Dedicated” your life to other things that you’re committed to? What does dedication even mean? 

“Devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose.” 

What if people actually devoted themselves to being fit? Taking their health serious? What would that look like? 

Ten years ago, I was 270 pounds.

Now, I’m walking around at 200 with soft abs and fit enough to be able to do anything practical in life. And it hasn’t been anything crazy. It’s been about 90% dedicated to eating healthy for my body (that’s a big experiment for you), and I’ve worked out 4-6 days a week consistently for the past 10 years… yes, it was slow and hard work. But totally worth it. And it doesn’t happen over night. 

I wonder…. Have you been on the fence? What if you dedicated 4% of your day to your own health and fitness? How long is that you ask? 1 hour….. what if you dedicated 1 hour of each day to movement? Something you enjoy, that moves you forward toward the fit life you want? 

What if you ate well 90% of the time? How much is that, you ask? Well, assuming you eat 3 meals a day, in a 31 day month, that’s 93 meals. What if 83 of those meals were healthy, on point with your lifestyle plan, and you had 10 meals that you could enjoy and not feel guilty about? How far would you be in a year? 

It’s not hard. What’s hard is starting. What’s hard is believing in yourself. And you may not have a team around you, always pushing forward and believing in you… but guess what!? I believe in you! 

It’s about showing up, being consistent, and “DEDICATING” your life to being healthy and moving forward. 

I promise you… YOU’RE WORTH IT! 

Stay safe, Fit friends! 

With Love, 


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