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How you do anything is how you do everything.

My son Malachi just started playing tackle football. I’ve been at most of his football practices, which are usually 2 hours long. Watching him and his team mates at practice, they never seemed to really grasp what it means to be a team. Honestly, they didn’t really grasp even their job on the field. Usually each player has a job or a continual “work space” or zone they’re working. A “sector of fire” for my military friends. They probably had 10 practices total before their first game. 

Well, it showed. They had 3 touch downs scored on them within 4-5 plays of the game. They were dominated. They didn’t even seem to know how to line up on the line of scrimmage. It was a crap shoot. 

Because they didn’t have focus or a goal in their minds, I don’t think it ever clicked. Sometimes we just have to focus on 1 thing and do it really well…. Ya know, back to the basics. The professionals are only really good at the basics. You can only catch the ball really one way. With your hands. The professionals do just that with their hands in a lot of different positions. 

Sometimes we fall into shiny object syndrome… we see this new thing, this new way, this new technique, this new investment, and we want to abandon ship and move on to that new thing because we think it’ll get us there faster. 

I know I am absolutely guilty of this. I am a dreamer and I have a desire to build a legacy and have a lot of wealth because I feel like I can make a bigger impact and change more peoples’ lives the more money I make. 

But… I need to focus on basics and what I have and be really good at those things rather than having “shiny object syndrome.” It’s something Whitney is really good at… reeling me back in. Still, my head is always in the clouds. It’s something I’m working on. 

If you’re like me, then maybe you need to hear it. Get back to the basics. Get really good at your craft and you will get there. 

Dial in the nutrition most of the time. Workout consistently. Sleep well consistently. Do those things and you’ll get there. You don’t necessarily need that surgery. You don’t need that pill or drink or that special fasting or anything like that. 

All you need is you and the basics! You can do this! 

I love you guys.

Stay safe, Fit friends! 

With Love,


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