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As Nick and I watched the aftermath and devastation of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and Tennessee over the last week, we were left speechless as we wondered what we could do to help. Truthfully, we felt helpless being here in Virginia.

I prayed about what we could do, and our Coach Em stepped up. She started a donation box in our lobby (if you haven’t donated yet, she’s dropping stuff off tomorrow. Please help us fill the boxes!). So many people were left without basic necessities. So many people were left with NOTHING. It really is hard to watch videos and see the absolute destruction this storm left behind.

We also decided to host a Fundraiser workout for the organizations and people on the ground in North Carolina. It doesn’t feel like a whole lot, but I know every little bit helps. There are patches available (see the flyer above) and every $15 donated gets one patch. Our goal is to get a patch for every person who comes on Saturday (plus some!). We’ll only have one workout at 9am; everyone is welcome!

Please help us spread the word, bring in items if you’re able, and donate what you can, if you feel led. Let’s help out however we can.

I mean. Whole towns were washed away. Some places are only accessible by foot or horse. Lots of people are still trying to find their loved ones. I can’t even imagine the feelings, the emotions, the not knowing, the unimaginable.

My heart breaks for all of them. And it sparked something in Nick. He wishes he could get in our truck and drive down and help. He wants to get to the point where he’s able to do that… to not be held here because of work and other responsibilities. He wants that ultimate time and financial freedom. Talk about lighting the fire under you and setting new goals!

We’re going to help as much as we can, and we hope our community can rally with us to support and provide what we can.

Please join us Saturday, at 9am, for the workout. Everything is scaleable! And you don’t have to workout to hang out! We’d love to see all of you!

Have a fantastic week! And we’ll see you on Saturday!


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