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Nick wrote this last week for Memorial Day and asked me to share it with you all. I think it’s worth repeating. 

Another Murph workout done. Time very similar to the last couple years.  I worked through… 

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups 
300 squats 
1 mile run
With a vest. 

A very similar vest most military wear. Maybe something like Murph was wearing on his Fateful day. 

As it was raining and I was dripping sweat and water, running on my last run at around an hour of working. It kept playing in my head. “The last one done didn’t quit.” 

We got to workout today. We got to suffer through in the rain. We got to eat food and hang with our friends who were suffering around us. 

We are so blessed. 

Let’s take a minute to remember today….. As I sit watching movies with my family that no matter what the TV, Social media, news outlets etc. tell us. We are better in this beautiful country than any country in the world. We are freer in this country than any other country in the world. It’s because of men and women current and who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to do what we do. 

So please take a minute to remember as I did on this Memorial Day that you are blessed. You get to do the things you want to do, whatever those things are! I hope that one of the things you do is Honor the fallen! 

Hope you guys had a great Memorial Day as I did! 

Stay safe, Fit friends! 

With Love,


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