Alright y’all. We are halfway through 2023. Time to re-evaluate the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.
Have you achieved some of them? Have you achieved any of them? Have you achieved all of them? Or have you deviated from the plan? Have you had to make some changes? Or have you completely thrown in the towel?
No matter where you are with your goals, just know that it’s not too late to start, to re-set them, to re-start. Every day is a new day with new potential. You don’t have to wait til Monday. You don’t have to wait til the start of the month. You don’t even have to wait til the new year.
You can literally start any day of the week, at any time, whenever you’re ready.
But I know how it is. The hardest part of anything is starting. It’s actually making the decision to start. To walk through the front door. To start your business. To take the first step. To put yourself out there.
It’s one thing to have and set goals; it’s something completely different to actually follow through and do something about achieving those goals.
I’ve had one goal that I’ve talked about for a couple months now that I started doing something towards achieving it, but then I’ve fallen off. And it’s not because I don’t want it…I do. It’s because I’m scared. I’m scared of the time it will take to study and get there and honestly, I’m scared I will fail.
Yes, I know. It’s silly to have that fear, but it’s there, in the back of my mind. And it causes me to stop moving forward and working on achieving that goal.
So this is my mid-year re-evaluation. I have to feel the fear and do it anyway. I can’t keep putting it off, because here’s the thing – the time will pass whether I work towards my goals or not. And before I know it, the deadline will be right around the corner and I’ll be even more stressed about it.
I’m going to write my goals on my whiteboard in my office, front and center. And I’m going to write the deadline and the steps needed to achieve my goals. Because no, I didn’t do that at the beginning of 2023. So I’m getting serious about it now and I’m going to make it happen.
What about you? What goals do you need to re-evaluate? What goals have you pushed to the side and need to bring back to the front and center? I’d love to hear about them and work on our goals together.
Accountability partners are key!
Have a fantastic week! And start working on those goals!