As we close out the first month of 2023, take some time to reflect on your goals, intentions, and resolutions you set for the new year. Have you made progress on them? Are you working on them daily? Or have you forgotten what you even said you wanted to do?
It’s easy to set goals at the beginning of the year, beginning of the week, beginning of anything. What’s hard, however, is sticking to those goals. Especially when things get hard. Especially when you lose motivation. Especially when things aren’t going your way… yet.
One of my biggest intentions was to eat more mindfully. And things were going well through the first half of the month. And then my cycle hit and I wanted chocolate. And then I got a stomach virus and literally the thought of everything made me nauseous. Staying on track became incredibly difficult for me.
Excuses? Maybe. Life? Definitely.
Life happens. There are going to be derailments in your plans. You have to be flexible enough to go with it and then get back on track. Or, if needed, make adjustments to continue on your path.
So think back. What were your intentions heading into 2023? What do you want to achieve this year? Did you break it down into what you can do monthly to achieve those goals? Have you made any progress?
While my personal intentions may have had a few bumps, my business intentions have been phenomenal. Nick has been with me at CFC every day this year, which means we’ve been able to work on our goals at the gym. It’s been fun to see the changes and our hard work [finally] paying off.
So take the time to reflect. Take the time to adjust, if needed. Give yourself grace if things happened to derail your plans. Be patient with yourself as you’re making changes.
And head into February with renewed, or maybe revised, intentions.
Have a beautiful week!