I’m not sure what happened, but here we are… it’s the week of Christmas. Already.
Didn’t we just have Thanksgiving?
It’s come up pretty fast this year, and for some reason, it just hasn’t felt like it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I got our Christmas cards mailed out early, we have presents and stockings done, and our tree has been up since mid-November.
But for whatever reason, I just feel… off. Like we aren’t about to celebrate Christmas. And this past week was a mess. I was super grumpy and everything irritated me. Literally everything.
I don’t know if it was the mental load of handling it all, feeling like we were behind because of the stomach bug our family caught a couple weeks ago, or barely having 3 weeks in between Thanksgiving and Malachi’s birthday and Christmas. It just all feels thrown together and last minute and off.
And I know the reason for the season isn’t about gift giving or getting or how much you spend, etc, etc. And maybe having no plans heading into this week is the best thing for us. For me.
Maybe these last few days of 2024 are meant to rest, relax, renew, reset. We have big goals heading into 2025, and I know it’s going to require a lot of our time, a lot of work, and I’m really looking forward to the growth that’s going to come of it. But now is the time to rest and prepare for what’s to come.
I don’t want to spend the holidays rushed and stressed out. I don’t want to be grumpy at everything and everyone.
As I was writing this, I looked up and saw this quote in the bottom of my calendar: “The solution to an overbusy life is not more time. It’s to slow down and simplify our lives around what really matters.” John Mark Comer
Boy, does that hit home right about now. That is 100% what my plan is. We’re going to focus on what really matters in 2025. And we’re going to get really good at it!
So here’s to resting over the next couple weeks. Not rushing from task to task or event to event. If you need me, I may be wrapped up in a blanket snuggling with Sabre.
I hope y’all have a beautiful week and a Merry Christmas! We’ll see you in the gym.
With love,